我們只有一個地球最近全球的發燒話題便是繞著氣候改變的議題上哥本哈根為本屆氣候改變高峰會的主辦國因此在哥本哈根到處可見提倡幫助氣候不要繼續惡化的文宣品而借著全球氣候改變高峰會議昨天在丹麥哥本哈根的開幕世界各國的政府官員也將紛紛來到哥本哈根希望於此會議舉行時間內討論有關全球氣候暖化的議題並提出有效具體的解決方案Recently, the hottest topic for the world is climate change issues. Copenhagen is the host for the climate change conference this year (COP15) and therefore, people can see all different kind of advertisments for promotion of protecting the environment everywhere in Copenhagen. Becaues of the conference, all the politicians will come to Copenhagen from all over the world. They all hope to get some specific and usefual ideas to solve the global warming problem. 地球已發出像紅綠燈般的警訊全球暖化使地球開始變調 前些日子到哥本哈根市區走走時 在新國王廣場上也看到了與氣候有關的藝術品展覽所有的展覽品皆是以地球為本而創作每個單一的地球都一再警告世人要珍惜我們所居住的這個星球不要因為人類生活的方便而完全的忽略了對環境的保護因為我們只有一個地球I was walking in the Copenhagen city a while ago and I saw all the exhibition in Kongens Nyt Trov. All the arts are based on the earth and pointed out the serious problem of climate change and are warning us that we have to cherish the earth where we live on. We shouldn't ignore the problem and forget to be nice to the environment when we are improve our life. It is because we have only one earth.將來的地球可能會變成這樣-全黑無色彩﹐海洋完全被重金屬所覆蓋或許在你我今生結束前我們都不會受到如電影般的情節那樣巨大的毀滅但我們卻也已開始面臨及感受到近年來全球氣候異常所帶來的災害我們必須為我們下一代而著想也為許多地球上其他的生物而著想我相信如果我們個人從每天生活上的小地方做起一定對目前日益惡化的氣候現象會有所幫助Maybe we will never see serious or huge damage for the earth as what we have seen from the movie before we die. However, we all feel and face the natural damage in the recent years due to the global unusual climate change. We have to start thinking about our next generation and other living things. I believe if each of us can start with all those small things from our daily lives, we can all help to stop the climate become worse. 從個人的日常生活做起才可以有效解救地球希望在各國政府每年花上大筆經費討論氣候議題時各國領袖能真正的去實踐而不是一些不斷的所謂的政治秀而已也希望這個發燒的議題會不斷延續下去而不是一時的關心而在高峰會議過後大家又依然故我的繼續破壞我們所居住的地球I hope the governments from every contry will think about it more seriously and put it in some action since they all spend a lot of money on the issue every year. I hope the conference is not just another political show again and I hope the issue will continue in our minds after the conference finish. I don't hope that people will still living in the same way and keep damange the earth after the conference. We have to do something for real to change the current situation.